
I was 31 years old when we said goodbye, and also when I realized that this was all so very real. That you and I actually happened. That life actually happened and that it continues to do so. And that for now, you and I were over.

Mariposas en mi panza.

There was no time to reflect on it really, it all happened so fast. The sort of 1 am that creeps up on you. But also not really. In a sense it was the longest goodbye, and so very well deserved. Lovers can take as much or a little time as they’d like to say goodbye. But at the end we were tired and we just wanted to sleep and move on and Mexico City. But before we did, my heart whispered:

Acabo de verte. Y el té está en la tetera. Y esta tarde y ya estoy muy muy cansado. Y después de todo, y antes de que las alas del alba pasen por nuestros pestañas, y no haya nada más que decir, quiero darte las gracias. Y que estoy aquí y que éramos real. Te amo por siempre Joanne.

To remember it will always be so sweet.

Ciudad de México, Marzo ’23